

Bedlam Spring*

write in ink
as green as
arsenic wallpaper that
killed Napoleon

take photo of azure
hole in clouds
inebriate your
chartreuse leaves
their new spring

leap into fresh untamed
season but bide a
while bide a while burn
your Russian amber
drink your Irish tea
stay away from strange
men on the internet who
want you only for your body
not your kink–a lust for agility
with language–nor your
madness, this insanity of
growing old, instant flare
your sun into seed 
your ardour
blackens flesh to bone & devouring

*Title taken from Sylvia Plath, “Spinster” in The Colossus (Faber & Faber, 2008).
Words in italics taken from Sylvia Plath, “Epitaph for Fire and Flower” in Collected Poems (Faber & Faber, 1981).

Amanda Earl is an Ottawa poet, publisher, and fiction writer. Her most recent works are Kiki (Chaudiere Books, 2014), firstwalks of the year (In/Words Magazine, 2016), Queen Christina (Ghost City Press, 2016). Amanda is managing editor of and the fallen angel of AngelHousePress. More info is available at

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